Ep. 73 How Hypnosis Leads You To Success with Erika Flint

Reaching your goals is not just about strategy and follow through. It is so much deeper, and there are layers of subconscious beliefs that can be holding you back from achieving your goals. So how do you break free of blocks that you don’t even know exist and can’t even access? Spoiler alert: affirmations and convincing yourself won’t work, and neither will trying harder- so what does??
Erika is an award-winning hypnotherapist and best-selling author with a practice that runs over $1M annually.
This modality offers trauma healing, improved memory function, removal of emotional/mental blocks, and accelerated learning. She’s writing her fourth book on capturing brain states that people can basically turn on whenever they’d like to amplify performance in whatever area they wish.
Erika’s heart-centered approach sits her comfortably between guru and woo-woo, and you will love what you learn and the possibilities open to you through this little known, little tried modality.
For more information:

Download Can You Be a Hypnotist? https://start.cascadehypnosistraining.com/book-extras/

Download Learning to Relax: http://cascadehypnosiscenter.com/breathe

Cascade Hypnosis Center: https://cascadehypnosiscenter.com/

I’m your host, Tsippi Gross, here to help you succeed at:
-Launching/growing your business
-Figuring out why your business isn’t growing properly
-Transitioning careers/ life
-Ending the workaholic cycle so you can have your life back
-Making more money
-Feeling fulfilled
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