Ep. 82 How to get on Shark Tank and do what you love with Daniel Zakowski

Ever thought of taking your product or idea to Shark Tank? Wonder how to get an investor, like Mark Cuban to buy-in to your company? Worried about a high barrier to entry getting your product to market? Daniel and his company, Ready Set Food! did it, and today he shares the how.
Daniel spent 11 years building a very successful, exciting, but not necessary soul fulfilling company  selling high quality dental supplies to dentists. After a period as a business consultant, Daniel knew he had to use his skills and innovation to start something big.
When his nephew had severe reactions to allergens at only a few months of age, Daniel set out to help him and all other babies ward off allergies that are completely avoidable.
Based on Israeli statistics of lowered peanut allergies due to high consumption of peanuts in babies through a peanut snack, Daniel and his team of specialists set out to create a formula that would include:
-peanut, egg, and multiple allergens
-could be started at 4 months old
-proper dosages that are necessary to create a resilience to allergens
Because of the stigmas that parents have regarding feeding allergens to their children, Daniel and  Ready Set Food!   face an uphill battle. Making the decision to educate the public and open an arm of the company that is educational only,  Ready Set Food!   has joined with healthcare systems, allergists, and Shark Tank to spread awareness, and encourage parents to learn what science teaches already in order to help more babies.
Listen to this story of resilience, stick-to-it “ness”, and success from an entrepreneur who really knows what it takes to make big things happen. Listen to his parting message at the end for the best advice ever!
Shark Tank grew the brand by leaps and bounds, gave it credibility, and helped spread awareness. Find out how by listening to today’s show.
For more information:
FB, instagram, twitter and linked in @readysetfood
Book recommended: Good to Great
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