Ep 9: A day in the life of a social media manager: dos and don’ts for growth!

How do you grow your social media presence? How do you put out quality content? How do you know which channels to use for your business? Why do you even need social media? What if you’re doing it all wrong? What if you have no idea what you’re doing?

Today we talk about alllll these things with Jaimie Brick of @socialmediabyjaimie on instagram. Let’s talk strategy, fears, do’s and dont’s! You got this!

For more information and for previous episodes visit thestunningsuccess.com

Ep 8: How do you handle competition and stand out and how to start a fashion company with Miri from Mikah Fashion

We’re scared of competition.
Business is lonely. But not everyone agrees that each entrepreneur has to fend for themselves. Thriving in a cut throat industry she is foreign to, Miri brings her 25 years of experience in corporate plus her secrets in relationships and building to turn her company lucrative and iconic. Today she spills her secrets helping us deal with our priorities, our realities and secrets to starting a long lasting passionate company.
Check our mikahfashion.com for ethical and meaningful apparel.

Ep 7: How to grow your business in one year with Shira from Swaddlebee

Shira Stern walks us through how to build and grow a loyal following on instagram in one year! She talks about the challenges she faced building her brand and gives really practical tips and tricks for beginners and even for existing businesses. If you’re looking to build something larger than yourself and what you sell, this is for you! You can check her out @swaddlebee on Instagram

Ep 6: How to open your own shop with Mimi Ankri

Ever think of opening a clothing store and have no idea where to start? Today I’m so excited to bring you the best of the best, the owner of the Mimi Boutique. This store has gone through a huge transformation and Mimi breaks down for us exactly what to do and how to expand in a natural and organic way. Check out themimiboutique.com for some amazing finds, you’ll see some really unique styles you’re sure to love. If you are looking to start your own business check out thestunningsuccess.com for a free 5 day jump start.

Ep 5: How to become an influencer with Bari Mitzmann

Not everyone wants to sell a product or service, maybe your answer is to become an influencer? Bari walks us through her journey and how you can do it too! There are some great tips in here you won’t want to miss

Ep 4: Allllll the things that went wrong with our new business this year

Ya, so we made lotsa mistakes, that’s for sure. And I want to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes as me! I’m sharing behind the scenes the crazy things we did wrong this year because hey, anytime you start something new, mistakes happen. And I want you to know that so that when they happen in your business, you know it’s normal!

Ep 3: 11 Things That Rocked With Our New Business This Year

Starting a business is always scary and we tend to focus on all the problem areas. I took a look back at what actually went right this year in hopes that some of these things can help you get your business of to a huge start. I’ve put together a list of tips that I don’t see discussed in other places hoping they will help you too!

Ep 2: Truth Yo, Can Busy Moms Really Run Businesses?

Moms are seriously in a different demographic than most entrepreneurs. So many jobs, responsibilities and balls up in the air. The thing is the business world gives some great advice- for people who have TIME!
I want to share with you how I juggle allll the things- mom life, business, and how I make it work! I hope these tips will help you too!

Ep 1: Is starting a business the right thing for you?

Most moms I meet are so scared to start their own business. I usually hear the following fears:
-I don’t know where to start
-I don’t know what to sell
-I don’t have time
-I don’t have money
-I’m an introvert
-I’m just scared!
I want to tell you why I absolutely love running my own business, what I would respond to these pushbacks, and help you decide if starting a business is right for you!

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