Ep. 69 Why Entrepreneurs Hate Managing Their Finances + Solutions with Wayne Titus

Entrepreneurs LOVE making money, coming up with new products, managing their businesses, and doing all the fun things! But the certainly do NOT like managing their books, dealing with taxes, filling out paperwork, and balancing budgets.
Wayne Titus,  CPA/PFS, AIFA explains how neglecting finances can cost us a LOT of money, how we’re losing way too much to taxes, and how having a trusted advisor is key- most advisors are not 100% honest with their clients because they stand to gain a lot in sales of products that will make them money. So how do you figure out how to get your books healthy and thriving, as well as find an advisor who has your best interest at heart? In today’s episode, Wayne spells it all out for us!
Check out his latest book: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Well-Being (Lioncrest Publishing, March 2019).
To learn more, visit http://www.waynebtitus3.com and amdgservices.com
It’s your time to shine!
Pick your ideal future.
Make a game plan.
Break down the steps.
Make constant progress..
Get the big results you want!
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Ep. 64 How To Change Your Life and Live Better

You can have whatever you want in your life. Most people don’t know that. We are taught to just react to the circumstances that are presented to us. But in reality, we can change what we get in life, what we’re doing with our life, and how we feel every day. With just a few small changes in the way we think, we can create the life we so badly want. Today we will discuss

What do you want out of life and how to get it
How to change your circumstances and attract at a different level
How to be in charge of what happens to you
How to plan for success
Remember, you have a lot more power than you think, and you decide what you get out of life. Most people decide passively, since they have never been taught differently. Now we learn how to make life work FOR us.

Ready to finally live your purpose and make a real impact? Ready for your brand to stand out and get known? It’s time for your voice to be heard.
For coaching, publicity and consulting options, email tsippi@tsippigross.com

Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe

For more information, visit tsippigross.com or email info@tsippigross.com

Ep. 61 How To Use Your Talents, Skills and Gifts to Build a Huge Brand With Kayla Berger

Kayla just completely rebranded her company of 7 years! A company that started from passion, inspiration, and fun, Kayla’s Custom Made (formerly Babybandini) has blossomed and flourished beyond Kayla’s dreams. As the owner of a company selling everything customizable, from accessories to masks to blankets, towels, sweatshirts, napkins, water bottles, etc etc, Kayla never compromises on the things that are most important: high quality, personally hand made, and the best customer service. And her efforts show.
Today, Kayla shares how she started her business, how she grew her business, what made her decide to change the name after so many years, and how she did it.  AND, most importantly, Kayla shares her incredible tips and insight for others looking to use their own talents, knowledge and skillset to make an impact in the world and support their families.
Kayla now speaks about fertility issues as well, breaking down the barriers and stigmas surrounding miscarriages, stillbirths, fertility struggles, and difficulties women and families face in the process of building their families. Kayla is committed to creating awareness so that others don’t feel alone, don’t feel embarrassed to talk, and should be encouraged to reach out to share their story and receive support.
Visit Kayla’s shop at: kaylascustommade.com
Instagram: @kaylascustommade

Ep. 60 Become the Master Of Your Mind and Find Your Purpose with Ora Nadrich

In this week’s episode, actress-turned-author, Ora Nadrich, author of  Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, explains how we can get better results in our life. Ora shares her own personal tragedy, which resulted in a difficult decade long anxiety, and propelled her to figure out how we can begin enjoying the moments we are given. As a thought coach and mindfulness practitioner, Ora takes mindfulness PAST the meditation pillow, into the ongoing moments of our days.
It’s so easy to live our lives in a frenzy of business, or wait until life gets tough to start searching for what really matters. How easy it is to forget that our moments are so precious, they won’t be coming back, so why waste them on negativity, worry, or painful memories? We need to enjoy our moments, and savor them!
Today, Ora explains the mind-body connection, how to master your mind, how to use the release and replace technique, and give people back the gift of their life.
Ora discusses why it’s so hard to live authentically, and why, ironically, living authentically actually makes our lives so much easier.
At the end of the episode, Ora shares a quick and extremely helpful meditation that takes under a minute but will get you instant results.

For more information, visit Oranadrich.com
Institute for Transformational Thinking
Social media: @oranadrich
Instagram: @oranadrichquotes
Facebook: Author Ora Nadrich (check out her Mindfulness Mondays)
Books: Says Who
Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity

Ready to finally live your purpose and make a real impact? It’s time for your voice to be heard. Make a real difference!
To start your journey, email tsippi@tsippigross.com for 1-1 and group programs.

Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe

For more information, visit tsippigross.com

Ep. 59 Your Future Depends On Your Creativity: How and Why with Natalie Nixon

On today’s show, Creativity Strategist and author, Natalie Nixon, explains the importance of creativity in our performance and work results. Natalie’s book, The Creativity Leap: Unleash Curiosity, Improvisation and Intuition At Work, explains HOW we can become more creative, why it is not only important, but essential, to the survival and thriving of any company or organization. In today’s world, businesses operate around their bottom line- more sales, more leads, more success stories. But it’s in taking a step back and engaging in activities that might seem superfluous, but are actually critical for long term growth, that creativity is unleashed, ideas flow, strengths are utilized, intuition is realized, and bottom lines rise more than they would in a discipline-only environment. But don’t think of this creativity as a warm, fuzzy, kumbaya camp-fire moment- no, Natalie has an actual step by step science she has developed (which she now teaches to companies and organizations) to combine the key elements of creativity into our life and work. As an anthropologist, fashion designer, dancer, consultant, Ted-X speaker and researcher, Natalie’s portfolio and experience is as diverse as her ideas are thorough. You will learn so much from today’s interview, and you will see some incredible results in your own life and projects when you put Natalie’s ideas to use!

Contact Natalie: Figure8thinking.com
Youtube: Natalie Nixon
Instagram and twitter: @Natwnixon
Book: The Creativity Leap purchase HERE

Ready to finally live your purpose and make a real impact? It’s time for your voice to be heard. Make a real difference!
To start your journey, email tsippi@tsippigross.com for 1-1 and group programs.

Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe

For more information, visit tsippigross.com

Ep. 56 Why Women Need To Stop Thinking Like Men and How To Use Our Genders To Everyone’s Advantage with Kate Lanz

 If you have any relationship with someone of the opposite gender, this episode is for you. Even with all the advances in the gender equality space, women are still being asked to think like men, and results are measured on a very masculine scale, without our realizing it. Neuroscience researcher and author, Kate Lanz, has made some breakthrough discoveries along with her co-author in their book, All the Brains in the Business: The Engendered Brain in the 21st Century Organisation. Learn how we CAN use both gender brains to their maximum, and discover why gender collaboration is of utmost importance.
  • How the brain works—and its impact on how people work together in teams
  • How to combine male brain strengths (knocking out tasks and a competitive focus) with female strengths (collaboration, agility in multitasking, and enhanced memory)
  • How to manage alpha males, boys’ clubs, and office politics using neuroscience
  • How to get the most out of every brain
Purchase All the brains in the business: Here
linked in: Kate Lanz
Ready to finally live your purpose, make a difference, and get paid for doing what you love? It’s time to shift your identity to align with the results you want, such as abundance, getting known, fulfillment, less stress, fun days, peaceful relationships and good health.
Email tsippi@tsippigross.com for 1-1 and group programs.
Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe
For more information, visit tsippigross.com

Ep. 55 Sarah Chana Radcliffe tells her story plus how to find the right therapist for you

Internationally acclaimed psychologist, author, speaker, course creator, teacher, columnist, podcaster and overall scholar, Sarah Chana Radcliffe, is here to share her wisdom with us today. As a practitioner for over 40 years specializing in parenting, marriage, and personal issues, Sarah Chana has accomplished a tremendous amount and her work impacts millions. But how did she do it? How did this soft spoken woman create such an empire and uplift the lives of the multitudes? Today she shares her surprising story with us, inspiring us all to become the greatest version of ourselves.
In second half of today’s episode, Sarah Chana gives advice on how to find the right therapist for you- how to find someone who is truly knowledgeable and has enough tools in their box, aside from the standard talk therapy, to help you truly see positive change in your life and transform in a real and lasting way.
To connect with Sarah Chana:
Sarahchanaradcliffe.com – sign up for her daily parenting posts
Ready to finally live your purpose, make a difference, and get paid for doing what you love? It’s time to shift your identity to align with the results you want, such as abundance, getting known, fulfillment, less stress, fun days, peaceful relationships and good health.
Email tsippi@tsippigross.com for 1-1 and group programs.
Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe
For more information, visit tsippigross.com

Ep. 54 NEW NAME!! Plus Why on Earth Should You Meditate, and How? With Phyllis LaPrairie

Our podcast has a new name!!! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to The Greatness Tribe with Tsippi! Today I share with you why I chose this name, why I’m changing the name, and what this all means!

Let’s welcome today’s special guest to speak about a very important and largely unknown topic.
Meditation is all the rage these days, but is it the right thing for you? What’s the point of meditation? How long should you do it? Why and how does it help? How do you start? Long-time meditation expert Phyllis Laprairie comes on the show to explain the ins and outs of meditation and walk you through how to get started!
You can contact Phyllis through us by emailing Tsippi@tsippigross.com
Business owners or influencers: Are you looking to shift your identity to align with the results you want, such as abundance, getting known, less stress, fun days, peaceful relationships and good health? Transform your identity through on a subconscious level! Email tsippi@tsippigross.com for 1-1 and group programs.
Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe
For more information, visit tsippigross.com

Ep. 53 Birthday Episode: Sharing Some of My Favorite Woo Woo Success Secrets With You

It’s my birthday this week! As I reflect back on my year, I decided to share some of my favorite , out of the box personal development tools and secrets with you. Some of these are little known hacks that make a big difference, so listen with an open mind and give some of these a try!
For feedback and information, visit tsippigross.com
Are you working way too many hours doing something you may not even love, not making enough money and not getting the recognition you deserve? Have you taken tons of courses on sales, marketing, scheduling, organization, and you still haven’t reached your goals?
I help entrepreneurs and leaders work less, make more, and make a real impact in the world using an intuitive, individualized approach in group and 1-1 settings, Create lasting success from the inside out that will not only give you the income and impact you deserve, but create success in all areas of your life including marriage, relationships, health and mood.
To schedule a 15, 30 or 60 minute consultation, email tsippi@tsippigross.com

Ep. 52 Yocheved Quits her Job! A Pastry Chef Tells Her Story

Yocheved Perlman quits her job because her dreams are coming true! And what’s better, she is walking the exact roadmap she’s laid out for herself, going step by step and making her dream happen! Today Yocheved tells us how she did it, what steps she’s taken in growing her brand, and how she’s moving on the next exciting chapter! Facebook: Cookies and More by Shelly and Yocheved @cookiesandmore2016
instagram: @shellyandyochevedcookiesAM
At a crossroads? Unsure of the next step? Looking to further your success?
Discover how to get what you want, find your purpose, potential and passion.
15, 30, and 60 minute sessions available.
For an appointment email tsippi@tsippigross.com
Say hi on Instagram @tsippigross or @havahtribe
Check out our clothing site havahtribe.com

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