Ep. 81 Your life as it CAN BE with Nir Bashan

Creativity is THE SECRET to our success- especially as more jobs are slated to get destroyed with the continuous tech advances. Creativity solves problems, advances our careers, improves our relationships, brings us fulfillment, and is the secret to getting ahead in life.
The reality is that we are stuck in our thinking mind, which TURNS OFF creativity. The results? Most people walk around saying “I’m not a creative person.” We stay stuck in our to do list, we work IN the business instead of on it, we’re looking for what actions should I be taking, what product should I sell, what’s the solution, etc. The answer? TRIGGER YOUR CREATIVITY- it will address all of your problems and change your life!
Nir teaches that everyone is creative. He shows us how to turn off those doubts in our head, how to get OUT of our left analytical brain, and TURN ON creativity on demand! Everyone can do it, there is a system, and all of your problems can be solved!
Learn how to lead in your industry, improve your fulfillment, feel passionate, stand out, become a most valuable asset, and be on the leading edge by unleashing your creativity!
Find Nir at Nirbashan.com
Reach out to Nir on Instagram @nirbashan
Nir on linked in @nirbashan
Grab Nir’s book: The Creator Mindset
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Ep. 64 How To Change Your Life and Live Better

You can have whatever you want in your life. Most people don’t know that. We are taught to just react to the circumstances that are presented to us. But in reality, we can change what we get in life, what we’re doing with our life, and how we feel every day. With just a few small changes in the way we think, we can create the life we so badly want. Today we will discuss

What do you want out of life and how to get it
How to change your circumstances and attract at a different level
How to be in charge of what happens to you
How to plan for success
Remember, you have a lot more power than you think, and you decide what you get out of life. Most people decide passively, since they have never been taught differently. Now we learn how to make life work FOR us.

Ready to finally live your purpose and make a real impact? Ready for your brand to stand out and get known? It’s time for your voice to be heard.
For coaching, publicity and consulting options, email tsippi@tsippigross.com

Follow me on instagram @tsippigross and @havahtribe

For more information, visit tsippigross.com or email info@tsippigross.com

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